A quarterly online membership experience for CEO habit building, accountability & support, monthly coaching, and training on business, energy management + access to the sustainable bridal beauty business owner’s course

create a premium bridal beauty business that attracts the Right types of brides that align with your aesthetic, respect your boundaries, with intentional scalable systems and organization.

The information overload is slowing you down

how much longer can you go jumping on freetrainings trying to find the missing puzzle that will help you fully go full time in your business or become financially independent through just your bridal beauty business.

How to know if the membership experience is for you?

✔️ You’ve been in the industry for a while now but feel as if your business isnt where you want it to be yet, you dont yet have consistent bookings but you’ve been doing EVERYTHING and still nothing is working.

✔️ You want to attract brides who fit your asthetic and no longer feel as if you have to work with brides who dont fit your brand (just because you need the money)

✔️ You're looking to build a real brand presence on an offline as a solo artist so you can eventually scale your brand in the next few years with assistants or a possible bridal team and know you need the right foundation to set yourself up for success.

✔️ you want to learn how to attract clients consistently without having to spend money on ads so you can keep your expenses low while keeping more profit for yourself or to reinvest into your bridal beauty brand later

✔️ you want to learn how to create balance between your personal life while still maintaining professional and healthy boundaries with your bridal clients with the RIGHT policies & booking guidelines in your contract

✔️ your overwhelmed an want to know a simple way to get organized & your over your backend being scattered and need an easy way to MAINTAIN THE systems you created in your business that’s clear to understand

✔️ You know your not looking for (just another course) but seeking ways to uplevel your work day habits and routines and staying in the right head space longer with a more chilled LAID-BACK environment.

If you’ve answered yes the membership is for you!

Questions about joining the membership? Send them to beautyandthenetwork@gmail.com